README File Copyright 2021 James O. Thompson Image Visualization and Infrared Spectroscopy (IVIS) Facility at the University of Pittsburgh (USA). This directory contains the instrument- and atmospherically- corrected MMT-Cam data of a tumulus-fed lava flow. The data were acquired at 05:27-06:19 UTC on February 3, 2018. The data were acquired from the Puu Oo lava flow field (KÄ«lauea voclano, HI). The data were calibrated and corrected using the methodology described in Thompson et al. (2019). The data are associated with the Thompson and Ramsey (2021) paper in Bulletin of Volcanology. More examples of the use of this data can be found in Thompson and Ramsey (2020a,b). The files are in IDL save format. They can be accessed using the IDL routine function. The files are in the following format (BSQ): Dimension 1 - X FPA Dimension 2 - Y FPA Dimension 3 - Band number Dimension 4 - Time interval (~0.5 seconds)