Figure 2a.
1994 SIR-C radar false-color composite image the
northernmost (Cave Creek) fire scar showing Lhh, Lhv, Chv in red, green, blue,
respectively. Radar return is sensitive to the surface roughness on the scale of the radar
wavelength (5-20 cm). Scars generally appear darker due to the absence of large
vegetation and are detectable for longer periods because of the slow re-growth time of
large woody vegetation. Using remote sensing from a variety of wavelengths (including
ASTER's 14 bands) will provide the means for mapping scars at different spatial and
temporal scales.
Figure 2b. (below)
Landsat TM 1993 false-color composite with bands 5,
4, 2 in red, green, blue, respectively. This image was one of the first examined for the
fire scars. The 30 meter spatial resolution is adequate for scar detection, but the 15 meter
visible ASTER bands improves detection considerably.